Gayatri (Gaya) Bhatnagar was born into a family of Physicians and healing practitioners. Being born and raised for a few years in India, Gaya was exposed to the ancient Indian healing practice of Ayurveda. Treated by great Vaidyas, such as, Brihaspati Dev Triguna, as a child Gaya's interest in natural healing and herbal medicine blossomed. Gaya's father, Shyamji Bhatnagar, the leading therapist in Chakra Psychology in the West, exposed her to the healing Vedic sciences, including, chakra balancing, astrology, yoga of sound/mantra, and gemstones. Gaya's mother, Dr. Uma Bhatnagar is a Licensed Acupuncturist and a Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Tibetan Medicine. With the guidance of Swami Chinmayanandaji, Gaya developed an interest in Vedantic philosophy which is a guiding force in her life even today.
While attending Trinity College, Gaya focused her studies towards South Asian Medicine, studying both Mandarin Chinese and Sanskrit. Her senior thesis was on the ," Preservation and Cultivation of Ayurvedic Herbs in the Himalayan Plateau region" , and was a finalist for the Watson Fellowhip. She spent time abroad in India studying Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine with students of Dr. Yeshe Donden (H.H. the Dali Lama's personal physician.) Her interesting in Asian medicine was further kindled by meeting Jeffrey Yuen, at the Daoist temple in New York on a college field trip. Jeffrey Yuen comes from 88th generation of the Jade Purity lineage and is a Daoist master of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Gaya graduated from Trinity College with honors and was selected as a member of Phi Beta Kappa National Honors Society.
She began her Ceritified Ayurvedic Practitioner program with Dr. Vivek Shanbag at the AYU Academy located at Bastry University. Studying under the guidance of great Vaidyas, such as Subhash Ranade, Dr. Lele, and Dr. Jaya Apte. Gaya furthered her studies with Dr. Vasant Lad. While attending AYU, Gaya began working at the Five Branches Institute in Santa Cruz, CA, a college and clinic of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Having been exposed to Acupuncture through her mother, Gaya decided to enroll in a Masters of Science Program at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a speciality in Women's Health.